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  Posté le 14/01/2010 @ 10:08 
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Petit astucien

Bonjour et bonne anné à tous.

Je joue souvent à Ikariam et j'ai besoin de poster des Rapports de combat sur les forum.

Le problème c'est que j'ai besoin de télecharger un logiciel que voici:

"Ikariam CR Converter" mais qu'en je clic sur "install" il y a ça qui apparait:

// JavaScript Document
// ==UserScript==
// @name Ikariam CR Converter
// @autor holyschmidt (http://userscripts.org/users/50784)
// @license GNU GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
// @homepage http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/50784
// @description Easily Convert Combat Reports for forum viewing.
// @include http://s*.ikariam.*/index.php?view=militaryAdvisorReportView&combatId=*
// @include http://s*.ikariam.*/index.php*
// @require http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
// @require http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ui/ui.core.js
// @require http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ui/ui.draggable.js
// @require http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ui/ui.tabs.js
// @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/57756.user.js
// @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/62003.user.js
// @require http://ikariamscriptresources.googlecode.com/svn/tags/Latest/IkariamHostDetection.js
// @require http://ikariamscriptresources.googlecode.com/svn/tags/Latest/IkariamLanguageDetection.js
// @require http://ikariamscriptresources.googlecode.com/svn/tags/Latest/IkariamLanguage_Highscore.js
// @require http://ikariamscriptresources.googlecode.com/svn/tags/Latest/IkariamLang_CombatReport.js
// @require http://ikariamscriptresources.googlecode.com/svn/tags/Latest/IkariamLang_Ships.js
// @require http://ikariamscriptresources.googlecode.com/svn/tags/Latest/IkariamLang_Units.js
// @require http://ikariamscriptresources.googlecode.com/svn/tags/Latest/IkariamLanguage_Resources.js
// @require http://tools.betawarriors.com/common/FloatingWindowWithTabs.js
// @require http://tools.betawarriors.com/ikcrc/ikcrc_formatter.js
// @require http://tools.betawarriors.com/ikcrc/ikcrc_engines.js
// @version 2.7.0
// @exclude http://board.ikariam.*/*
// @exclude http://support*.ikariam.*/*
// @history 2.7.0 Feature: Enable(s) now added for turning on/off color and report events.
// @history 2.6.0 Feature: Script now has external message formatter for displaying html in in-game messages.
// @history 2.5.6 Feature: Force-edit of combat report to help account for game defects.
// @history 2.5.5 ForceUpdate: To fix language issues.
// @history 2.5.4 Bugfix: Encoding Issue.
// @history 2.5.3 Bugfix: Fixed in-line errors (not sure how these got in there).
// @history 2.5.2 Bugfix: Problem when format no longer valid.
// @history 2.5.1 Bugfix: Found problem in v.0.3.1 engine.
// @history 2.5.0 Feature: Changed Updater script.
// @history 2.4.1 Bugfix: Situations where "separator" was null.
// @history 2.4.0 Feature: Option to modify "seperator" in combat report.
// @history 2.4.0 Feature: Re-worked report "engines" idea.
// @history 2.4.0 Bugfix: Several fixes related to v.0.3.1.
// @history 2.3.8 Bugfix: Attempt #2 to fix tag update problem.
// @history 2.3.7 Bugfix: Tag settings not updated correctly when opening settings window.
// @history 2.3.6 Bugfix: Added back in support for v.0.3.1.
// @history 2.3.5 Bugfix: Sometimes the value of units lost is parsed incorrect due to an in-game defect.
// @history 2.3.4 Bugfix: Moved I_RESOURCES into parser/formatter file.
// @history 2.3.3 Bugfix: Type found when defining language structure for resources.
// @history 2.3.2 Bugfix: Script version not being displayed correctly.
// @history 2.3.1 Deprecated: Removed v.0.3.1 support.
// @history 2.3.1 Bugfix: Settings window did not "default" properly in some cases.
// @history 2.3.1 Bugfix: "Instant" battles (those resulting in "missing" troops) excluded from conversion.
// @history 2.3.0 Feature: Added ability to modify report "tags" to enter into various formats.
// @history 2.3.0 Feature: Added "remote" feature, to offload combat reports (not currently enabled).
// @history 2.2.1 Tempfix: Removed (confusing) "standard" radio button from converter
// @history 2.2.0 Feature: Battle "results" text (PlayerX's army has fled because...) added to report.
// @history 2.1.3 Bugfix: Settings link did not work properly in FireFox 3.0 (different CSS rules?).
// @history 2.1.2 Bugfix: Report not re-parsed right after changing color settings.
// @history 2.1.1 Bugfix: Broke circular option in last update (thanks Griffin).
// @history 2.1.0 Implementation: New "settings" window added.
// @history 2.1.0 Implementation: Color "tab" constructed and hooked up for use.
// @history 2.1.0 Bugfix: Problem parsing loot for multiple attackers.
// @history 2.0.0 Improvement: Version "engines" are now used to parse and build up reports.
// ==/UserScript==

ScriptUpdater.check(50784, "2.7.0");

const CACHE_KEY = getServerDomain() + '.' + getServerWorld();
const cache_variables = {
PRNTMODE: 'ikcrc.prntmode',
LAST_REPORT: 'ikcrc.lastReport' + CACHE_KEY,
COLORS: 'ikcrc.colors',
FORMAT: 'ikcrc.format',
FORMATTERS: 'ikcrc.formatters',
ENAB_COLOR: 'ikcrc.ena_color',
ENAB_EVENTS: 'ikcrc.ena_events',
REMOTE: 'ikcrc.remote',
LAST_REPORT: 'ikcrc.lastReport' + CACHE_KEY
const GAME_VERSION = $("li.version span").text().substr(0, 7);

"scene":'Scene',"attacking":'Attackers',"defending":'Defenders',"left":'Units Left',"lost":'Units Lost',"victor":'Victor',"results":'Results'};
"ajaxchat" : { open: '[', close: ']', separator: '─', center: '{TEXT}', color: '[color={COLOR}]{TEXT}[/color]', bold: '{TEXT}', font: '[code]{TEXT}[/code]', link: '[url={LINK}]{TEXT}[/url]', image: '[img]{IMAGE}[/img]', size : '{TEXT}' },
"bbcode" : { open: '[', close: ']', separator: '─', center: '[align=center]{TEXT}[/align]', color: '[color=#{COLOR}]{TEXT}[/color]', bold: '{TEXT}', font: '[font={FONT}]{TEXT}[/font]', link: '[url={LINK}]{TEXT}[/url]', image: '[img]{IMAGE}[/img]', size: '{TEXT}' },
"circular" : { open: '<', close: '>', separator: '─', center: '<div style="text-align: center">{TEXT}</div>', color: '<span style="color: #{COLOR}">{TEXT}</span>', bold: '<b>{TEXT}</b>', font: '<span style="font-family: {FONT}">{TEXT}</span>', link: '<a href="{LINK}">{TEXT}</a>', image: '<img src={IMAGE} />', size: '{TEXT}' },
"plaintext" : { open: '[', close: ']', separator: '-', center: '{TEXT}', color: '{TEXT}', bold: '{TEXT}', font: '{TEXT}', link: '{TEXT}: {LINK} ', image: '', size: '{TEXT}' },
"autosend":false, "formatter":false, "offload-site":''

info: { id:null, type:null, place:null, time:null, attackers:null, defenders:null, wall:null },
battle: { attackers:{}, defenders:{}, victors:null, results:null, attacking_totals:[0,0,0], defending_totals:[0,0,0], wall:'', walltext:'' },
loot: { total:0, resource:{} },
getPostData: function()
/* version & report info */
postdata = 'gversion=' + GAME_VERSION + '&cversion=' + ScriptUpdater.scriptCurrentVersion + '&cformat=' + IKCRC_FORMAT + '&serverkey=' + CACHE_KEY;

/* battle info */
this.info.time = this.info.time.replace(/:/g, ';');
postdata += '&info=' + this.info.toSource();
this.info.time = this.info.time.replace(/;/g, ':');

/* battle data */
postdata += '&battle=' + this.battle.toSource();

/* battle loot */
postdata += '&loot=' + this.loot.toSource();

/* what do we have? */
return postdata;

GM_getValue(cache_variables.PRNTMODE, false) != '' ? GM_getValue(cache_variables.PRNTMODE, false) : 'deluxe';

GM_getValue(cache_variables.FORMAT, false) != '' ? GM_getValue(cache_variables.FORMAT, false) : 'bbcode';

GM_getValue(cache_variables.COLORS, false)
? eval(GM_getValue(cache_variables.COLORS, false)) || {}

GM_getValue(cache_variables.FORMATTERS, false)
? eval(GM_getValue(cache_variables.FORMATTERS, false)) || {}

GM_getValue(cache_variables.REMOTE, false)
? eval(GM_getValue(cache_variables.REMOTE, false)) || {}

var IKCRC_LOADED = false;

const PAGE_ID = {
diplomacyAdvisor: "inbox",
diplomacyAdvisorOutBox: "inbox",
militaryAdvisorReportView: "report",
militaryAdvisorDetailedReportView: "detailed"
}[ $("body").attr("id") ];

const PAGE_TYPE = document.location.href.indexOf("detailedCombatId") == -1 ? 'overview' : 'detailed';
const BATTLE_INSTANT = $('#troopsReport table.overview,#troopsReport table#ergebnis').size() == 0 ? true : false;

if (PAGE_ID == 'report') {
/* Set the server language (IkariamLanguageDetection.js) */
var LANG = getLang();
var LANGUAGE = getLanguage();
"highscore" : language_highscore[LANGUAGE],
"report" : language_crconverter[LANG],
"resources" : language_resources[LANGUAGE],
"ships" : language_ships[LANG],
"units" : language_units[LANG]

/* Which page are we on? */
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'overview' && !BATTLE_INSTANT)
BuildPlayPen(); /* Build PlayPen */
ParseReport(); /* Parse the Report */
BuildReport(); /* Build the Report */

/* Allow for a little editting, in case the CR is bugged */
$('td.numbers').bind("dblclick", function()
var cell = this;
var numbers = $(this).text().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
$(this).html('<input type="text" style="width:90%; font-size:0.9em; text-align:center;" value="' + numbers + '">');
$('input', this)[0].focus();
$('input', this).blur(function() {
cell.innerHTML = this.value;

{ id:null, type:null, place:null, time:null, attackers:null, defenders:null, wall:null };
{ attackers:{}, defenders:{}, victors:null, results:null, attacking_totals:[0,0,0], defending_totals:[0,0,0], wall:'', walltext:'' };

ParseReport(); /* Parse the Report */
BuildReport(); /* Build the Report */
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'detailed' && GAME_VERSION == "v.0.3.1")
V031_ParseDetailedLoot(); /* Parse the Loot */
V031_BuildJumpBack(TRANSLATIONS); /* Build Jump Link Back to Overview */
if (PAGE_ID == 'detailed' && GAME_VERSION == "v.0.3.2")
var ConverterEngine = IkariamCRCEngine.Engines[GAME_VERSION];
if (ConverterEngine != null)

/* #################################################################
* Functions / "Classes"
* ################################################################# */

function BuildPlayPen()
/* Add required styles */
"#ikcrcPlayPen textarea { font-family: courier; width:97%; }" +
"#ikcrcPlayPen #ikcrcVersion, #ikcrcPlayPen #ikcrcSettings { margin:auto 5px; }" +
"#ikcrcPlayPen textarea, #ikcrcPlayPen span.ikcrcFormats, #ikcrcUploadStatus { margin:5px; }" +
"#ikcrcPlayPen span.ikcrcFormats, #ikcrcVersion { position:relative; float:left; }" +
"#ikcrcPlayPen span.ikcrcEnables { position:relative; float:right; margin-top:6px; }" +
"#ikcrcPlayPen span.ikcrcEnables input { margin-left:10px; }" +
"#ikcrcSettings, #ikcrcUploadStatus { position:relative; float:right; }" +
"#ikcrcSettings { color:#FF0000; }" +
"#ikcrcSettings:hover, #ikcrcUploadStatus:hover { text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer; }"

/* Build intial playpen */
'<div id="ikcrcPlayPen" class="contentBox01h">' +
'<h3 class="header">' +
'<span id="ikcrcVersion"><a href="javascript:" id="ikcrcUpdater">v.' + ScriptUpdater.scriptCurrentVersion + '</a></span>' +
'<span id="ikcrcSettings" title="Show/Hide Settings Window">Settings</span>' +
'Ikariam Combat Report Converter' +
'</h3>' +
'<div class="content">' +
'<span id="ikcrcUploadStatus">' +
'<img src="' + (IKCRC_REMOTE['offload-site'] != '' ? 'http://tools.betawarriors.com/ikcrc/ikcrc-upload.gif' : '') +
'" width="16" height="16" title="Offload Report" />' +
'</span>' +
'<span id="ikcrcOptions"></span>' +
'<textarea rows="5" readonly></textarea>' +
'<div class="footer"></div>' +
'</div>' +

/* Look for force update */
$('#ikcrcUpdater').click(function() {
ScriptUpdater.forceNotice(ScriptUpdater.scriptId, ScriptUpdater.scriptCurrentVersion);

/* Add format options */
for (var i in IKCRC_FORMATTERS) {
'<span class="ikcrcFormats"><input type="radio" name="ikcrcFormat" value="' + i + '">&nbsp;' + i + '&nbsp;</span>');

/* Add report enables */
var ena_color = GM_getValue(cache_variables.ENAB_COLOR, true) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
var ena_events = GM_getValue(cache_variables.ENAB_EVENTS, false) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$("#ikcrcOptions").append('<span class="ikcrcEnables">' +
'<input id="ikcrcEnableColor" type="checkbox" ' + ena_color + '/>&nbsp;Color' +
'<input id="ikcrcEnableEvents" type="checkbox" ' + ena_events +'/>&nbsp;Events' +

/* Create listeners for changing format / mode of converter */
$("#ikcrcOptions").find("input").each(function() {
if (this.name == "ikcrcFormat")
if (this.value == IKCRC_FORMAT)
this.checked = "checked";
$(this).click(function() {
GM_setValue(cache_variables.FORMAT, this.value); IKCRC_FORMAT = this.value;

/* Create listeners for changing report enables */
$('#ikcrcEnableColor').click(function() { GM_setValue(cache_variables.ENAB_COLOR, this.checked); BuildReport(); });
$('#ikcrcEnableEvents').click(function() { GM_setValue(cache_variables.ENAB_EVENTS, this.checked); BuildReport(); });

var settingsWindow = null;
$("#ikcrcSettings").click(function() {
if (settingsWindow == null || document.getElementById(settingsWindow.id) == null)
var windowID = BuildSettingsWindow();
settingsWindow = initFloatingWindowWithTabs(windowID,Array('Colors','Tags'/*,'Remote'*/),350,300,50,50,false,true,false,false,false,false);
else if (document.getElementById(settingsWindow.id) != null)
$(settingsWindow).remove(); settingsWindow = null;

/* Link to upload the report */
$('#ikcrcUploadStatus img').live('click', function() { SendReport(); });

function BuildSettingsWindow()
/* Add containers */
'<div id="ikcrcSettingsWindow">' +
'<div class="floatingWindowContent" id="ikcrcColorTab">' +
'<table margin="10px" width="100%" height="90%">' +
'<tr><td align="center">' +
'<table border="0" height="100%">' +
'<tr valign="top" height="50px">' +
'<td colspan="4" align="center"><input type="button" class="button" id="ikcrcColorDefault" value="Restore Defaults"/></td>' +
'</tr>' +
'</table>' +
'</td></tr>' +
'</table>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="floatingWindowContent" id="ikcrcTagsTab">' +
'<table margin="10px" width="100%" height="90%">' +
'<tr><td align="center">' +
'<table border="0" height="100%">' +
'<tr valign="top" height="50px">' +
'<td colspan="4" align="center"><input type="button" class="button" id="ikcrcTagsDefault" value="Restore Defaults"/></td>' +
'</tr>' +
'</table>' +
'</td></tr>' +
'</table>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="floatingWindowContent" id="ikcrcRemoteTab">' +
'<table margin="10px" width="100%" height="90%">' +
'<tr><td align="center">' +
'<table border="0" height="100%">' +
'<tr valign="top" height="50px">' +
'<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="button" class="button" id="ikcrcRemoteDefault" value="Restore Defaults"/></td>' +
'</tr>' +
'</table>' +
'</td></tr>' +
'</table>' +
'</div>' +

/* Build Color Tab */
for (var c in IKCRC_COLORS) $("#ikcrcColorTab table table").append(
'<tr height="20px">' +
'<td width="75px">' + DEFAULT_IKCRC_COLOR_LANG[c] + '</td>' +
'<td width="50px" class="ikcrcColorExample" bgcolor="#' + IKCRC_COLORS[c] + '" padding="2px"></td>' +
'<td width="10px">&nbsp;</td>' +
'<td><input class="textfield" type="text" name="' + c + '" value="' + IKCRC_COLORS[c] + '" size="10"></td>' +
$("#ikcrcColorTab table table").append(
'<tr valign="bottom">' +
'<td colspan="4"><p><b>Note:</b><br>Color settings DO NOT apply to the <br>ajaxchat output option.</p></td>' +

/* Add Tags Tab */
$("#ikcrcTagsTab table table").append(
'<tr valign="center">' +
// '<td align="left"><input type="button" class="button" value="Add" /></td>' +
'<td align="right" colspan="2"><select id="ikcrcCurrentTag"></select></td>' +
for (var f in IKCRC_FORMATTERS) $("#ikcrcTagsTab table table select").append(
'<option value="' + f + '">' + f + '</option>'
$("#ikcrcCurrentTag option[value='" + IKCRC_FORMAT + "']").each(function() {

/* Add Remote Tab */
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab table table").append(
'<tr valign="top" height="25px">' +
'<td>autosend</td>' +
'<td><input type="checkbox" name="autosend" ' +
(IKCRC_REMOTE["formatter"] || IKCRC_REMOTE["autosend"] ? 'checked ' : ' ') +
(IKCRC_REMOTE["formatter"] ? 'disabled' : ' ' ) + '/></td>' +
'</tr>' +
'<tr valign="top" height="25px">' +
'<td>formatter</td>' +
'<td><input type="checkbox" name="formatter" ' + (IKCRC_REMOTE["formatter"] ? 'checked' : '') + '/></td>' +
'</tr>' +
'<tr valign="top" height="25px">' +
'<td width="75px">offload-site</td>' +
'<td><input class="textfield" type="text" name="offload-site" value="' + IKCRC_REMOTE["offload-site"] + '" size="18"></td>' +
'</tr>' +
'<tr valign="top"><td colspan="2"></td></tr>');

/* Color listeners */
$("#ikcrcColorTab input[type='text']").blur(function() {
var color = $(this).attr('name');
IKCRC_COLORS[color] = $(this).attr('value');
GM_setValue(cache_variables.COLORS, IKCRC_COLORS.toSource());
$(this).parent().siblings("td.ikcrcColorExample").attr('bgcolor', '#' + IKCRC_COLORS[color]); //alert(IKCRC_COLORS[color]);
$("#ikcrcColorDefault").click(function() {
GM_setValue(cache_variables.COLORS, IKCRC_COLORS.toSource());
$("#ikcrcColorTab input[type='text']").each(function() {
var colorkey = $(this).attr('name');
$(this).attr('value', IKCRC_COLORS[colorkey]);
$(this).parent().siblings("td.ikcrcColorExample").attr('bgcolor', '#' + IKCRC_COLORS[colorkey]);

/* Tag listeners */
$('#ikcrcCurrentTag').change(function() {
$("#ikcrcTagsTab input[type='text']").blur(function() {
var format = $('#ikcrcCurrentTag').attr('value');
var tag = $(this).attr('name');
IKCRC_FORMATTERS[format][tag] = $(this).attr('value');
GM_setValue(cache_variables.FORMATTERS, IKCRC_FORMATTERS.toSource());
if (IKCRC_FORMAT == format)
$("#ikcrcTagsDefault").click(function() {
var format = $('#ikcrcCurrentTag').attr('value');
for (var t in IKCRC_FORMATTERS[format]) IKCRC_FORMATTERS[format][t] = DEFAULT_IKCRC_FORMATTERS[format][t];
GM_setValue(cache_variables.FORMATTERS, IKCRC_FORMATTERS.toSource());
if (IKCRC_FORMAT == format)

/* Remote listeners */
$('#ikcrcRemoteDefault').click(function() {
GM_setValue(cache_variables.REMOTE, IKCRC_REMOTE.toSource());
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='autosend']").each(function() {
if (IKCRC_REMOTE["autosend"]) $(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); else $(this).removeAttr('checked'); });
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='formatter']").each(function() {
if (IKCRC_REMOTE["formatter"]) $(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); else $(this).removeAttr('checked'); });
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='offload-site']").each(function() { $(this).attr('value', IKCRC_REMOTE["offload-site"]); });
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='autosend']").removeAttr('disabled');
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='autosend']").click(function() {
IKCRC_REMOTE['autosend'] = $(this).attr('checked');
GM_setValue(cache_variables.REMOTE, IKCRC_REMOTE.toSource());
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='formatter']").click(function() {
IKCRC_REMOTE['formatter'] = $(this).attr('checked');
if (IKCRC_REMOTE['formatter']) {
IKCRC_REMOTE['autosend'] = true;
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='autosend']").attr('checked', 'checked').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
else {
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='autosend']").removeAttr('disabled');
GM_setValue(cache_variables.REMOTE, IKCRC_REMOTE.toSource());
$("#ikcrcRemoteTab input[name='offload-site']").blur(function() {
IKCRC_REMOTE['offload-site'] = $(this).attr('value');
GM_setValue(cache_variables.REMOTE, IKCRC_REMOTE.toSource());
if (IKCRC_REMOTE['offload-site'] != '')
$('#ikcrcUploadStatus img').attr('src', 'http://tools.betawarriors.com/ikcrc/ikcrc-upload.gif');

return 'ikcrcSettingsWindow';

function BuildTagSettings(type)
$("#ikcrcCurrentTag option[value='" + type + "']").attr('selected', 'selected');
for (var t in IKCRC_FORMATTERS[type])
if ($("#ikcrcTagsTab table table input[name='" + t + "']").size() == 0)
$('#ikcrcTagsTab table table').append(
'<tr>' +
'<td width="75px">' + t + '</td>' +
'<td><input class="textfield" type="text" name="' + t + '" value="" size="18"></td>' +
$("#ikcrcTagsTab table table input[name='" + t + "']").attr('value', IKCRC_FORMATTERS[type][t]);

function BuildReport() {
var colorize = GM_getValue(cache_variables.ENAB_COLOR, true);
var events = GM_getValue(cache_variables.ENAB_EVENTS, false);

var report = '';

/* Currently, only versions v.0.3.2 / v.0.3.1 are supported */
if (GAME_VERSION == "v.0.3.2" || GAME_VERSION == "v.0.3.1")
var ConverterEngine = IkariamCRCEngine.Engines[GAME_VERSION];
if (ConverterEngine != null)
if (!IKCRC_REMOTE['formatter'] || !IKCRC_LOADED)
/* Empty Textarea */
$("div#ikcrcPlayPen textarea").empty();

/* Build up report */
var report = ConverterEngine.BuildReport(formatter, IKCRC_REPORT, TRANSLATIONS, ScriptUpdater.scriptCurrentVersion, events);

/* Add formatting text, if mode is html */
if (IKCRC_FORMAT == 'circular') {
report = MessageFormatter.format(report);

/* Fill Textarea */
$("div#ikcrcPlayPen textarea").append(formatter.ReplaceColors(report));
if (IKCRC_REMOTE['formatter'] || (!IKCRC_LOADED && IKCRC_REMOTE['autosend']))
/* Let the remote client to the work */
report = "Version not supported: " + GAME_VERSION;


function ParseReport() {
var ConverterEngine = IkariamCRCEngine.Engines[GAME_VERSION];
if (ConverterEngine != null)

function SendReport()
if (IKCRC_REMOTE['offload-site'] != '')
/* Update image to show we are uploading */
$('#ikcrcUploadStatus img').attr('src', 'http://tools.betawarriors.com/ikcrc/ikcrc-waiting.gif');

/* Make the request */
method: 'POST',
url: IKCRC_REMOTE['offload-site'],
data: IKCRC_REPORT.getPostData(),
headers: {
'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey',
'Content-type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept' : 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml' },
onload: function(data)
/* Update the image to show we have finished uploading */
if (data.responseText.indexOf("IKCRC-OFFLOAD-COMPLETE)") == -1 || data.responseText.indexOf("(IKCRC_ERROR)") != -1)
$('#ikcrcUploadStatus img').attr('src', 'http://tools.betawarriors.com/ikcrc/ikcrc-error.gif');
$('#ikcrcUploadStatus img').attr('src', 'http://tools.betawarriors.com/ikcrc/ikcrc-complete.gif');

/* Use remote webpage as parsing engine? */
if (IKCRC_REMOTE["formatter"])
/* Replace escaped characters */
responseText = data.responseText;
responseText = responseText.replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
responseText = responseText.replace(/\\"/g, '\"');
responseText = responseText.replace(/\\'/g, '\'');

///* Create formatter (only used to colorize report) */

/* Update report textarea */
$("div#ikcrcPlayPen textarea").empty();
$("div#ikcrcPlayPen textarea").append(responseText);

function V031_BuildJumpBack() {
if (document.location.href.indexOf('detailedCombatId') != -1) {
var battleId = document.location.href.substr(document.location.href.indexOf('detailedCombatId=') + 17);
if (battleId.indexOf('&') != -1) {
battleId = battleId.substr(0, battleId.indexOf('&'));
GM_setValue(cache_variables.LAST_REPORT, battleId);
'div#reportOverviewLink { display: block; position: absolute; right: 1px; top: 1px; z-index: 100; cursor: pointer; font-size: 8px; background: #e4b873; border: 1px solid brown; }' +
'div#reportOverviewLink img { float: right; margin-top: 5px; }' +
'div#reportOverviewLink p { float: right; margin: 0px; padding: 2px; }'
var header = $("div#mainview div.contentBox01h:first h3.header");
var globeImage =
header.prepend("<div id='reportOverviewLink'><img src='" + globeImage + "' width='16' height='16'><p>" + L_REPORT.back + "</p></div>");
$("div#reportOverviewLink", header).click( function() {
GM_setValue(cache_variables.LAST_REPORT, battleId);
delete globeImage;

function V031_ParseDetailedLoot() {
var resources = ['wood', 'wine', 'marble', 'glass', 'sulfur'];
for(var r = 0; r < resources.length; r++) {
GM_setValue(cache_variables.LAST_REPORT + '.' + resources[r], 0);
$("td[colspan*=15] ul.resources").each(function() {
$(this).find("li").each(function() {
var type = $(this)[0].className;
var amount = parseInt($(this).contents()[1].nodeValue.replace(/,/,''));
GM_setValue(cache_variables.LAST_REPORT + '.' + type, GM_getValue(cache_variables.LAST_REPORT + '.' + type, false) + amount);

Je tiens à préciser que chez les autres joueurs ça marche!

Et comme Antivirus/ Pare feu j'ai BitDefenderTotal Security 2009

Merci de bien vouloir m'aider.

 Posté le 16/01/2010 à 15:31 
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Petit astucien

Personne pour m'aider? {#}

 Posté le 16/01/2010 à 15:51 
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  Grand Maître astucien

laurent67fr. Je viens d'essayer d'installer ton logiciel sur mon PC, je rencontre le même problème que toi!

 Posté le 17/01/2010 à 21:49 
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Petit astucien

Ca pourrait être quoi le problème???

 Posté le 20/01/2010 à 15:56 
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Petit astucien

Donc pour mon problème ça venait des "modules complémentaires" de sécurité (sous Firefox/Mozilla et ça ce trouve en haut dans "outils") que j'avais rajouté il y a longtemps suite aux conseils d'une personne de PC Astuce qui me les avaient fortement conseillé pour éviter les virus.

Comme quoi à force de trop vouloir ce protéger ....plus rien ne passe!

Moralité: Evitez les P2P....{#}

 Posté le 18/12/2010 à 21:50 
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Nouvelle astucienne


J'ai des scripts, et ça devient de plus en plus pénible, ça me bloque : obligé de redémarrer l'ordi. J'ai esssayé de changer de Mozilla, en supprimant l'ancien avec Ccleaner. Mais ça n'a rien changé. Les scripts sont intitulés "chrome" alors que je l'ai plus. Ou ce dont je me sers comme gmail, ou Deezer. Merci de m'indiquer la combine pour ne plus en avoir...

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